Le Bouquet St-Laurent Florist

Returns & Refund

Please note: to maintain the quality and standards we desire at Le Bouquet, we may make substitutions of flowers in the event that flowers shown are not in their best form. In the event of unavailability of vases we will replace with the closest substitute, all the while maintaining the look and feel of the original product. 

If you need to return or exchange an item, please call 1-514-747-2581 to discuss the terms of your case. We will accept returns within 2 days of delivery for fresh cut flowers and 1 week for other purchases including plants and vases. All merchandise must be unaltered or modified in any way. Picture proof will be necessary.
Credits or refunds will be processed on the original form of payment (i.e. credit, debit, cash).

In the case of a wedding cancellation, please contact Natalie or Joseph Botelho immediately at 514-747-2581 as other conditions apply.Â