Le Bouquet St-Laurent Florist

Lush Lavender

Brighten someone's day with the "Lush Lavender" bouquet! This charming arrangement features creamy roses, vibrant yellow gerberas, purple statice, solidago, delicate white lisianthus, and lush greenery. Perfect for any occasion, from birthdays to anniversaries, or simply as a thoughtful gesture, this bouquet is available with or without a vase. Bring warmth and freshness into any space with this delightful floral design.

  • Includes: Creamy roses, yellow gerbera, purple statice, solidago, white lisianthus, and lush greenery.
  • Options: Available with or without a vase.
  • Perfect For: Everyday occasions, celebrations, or just because.

Approximately- 11" L x 11" W x 15" H



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